HELLO! CALL ME HIDEO/COMET! this is my little corner of the internet! i'm a 14 year old future raver and otaku web designing enthusiast!!! i'm a really big fan of hideo kojima and suda51, taking alot of inspiration from them in many ways :3 i'm a fanfic writer and i'm currently working on a visual novel i have yet to release information about ^_^

i'm currently addicted to killer7, the silver case, brawl stars, haruhi suzumiya, gabber and happy hardcore, needy streamer overload, and web design ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ i'm also very interested in scene subculture, rave music and underground rave sites, the human body, drawing, web design/development, and retro game consoles (ie, SNES, NES, and the original game boy)

i have bpd, autism, and (possibly!) adhd, meaning i have trouble learning and being explained things, so you may have to bare with me!!! i also like to talk about my favorite things and be annoying about everything,,,,,.. My bad!

i'd love to make more friends and talk to more suda fans like me!! don't be scared to talk to me, as im just a silly girl :D if you dont want to talk to me directly, send me an anon message in my strawpage!! or, send me something in my SUDAbook!

i love eyeliner! me :3 lalalalalaa soggy cat picture


link me! it'd be nice ^w^

  • page dedicated to my idol + biggest inspiration ^_^ (wip)

  • What type of otaku are you?
    template by swirl!! ^^ code here :3